Student Performance Guides

MAP Growth

Bentonville Schools administers the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress Growth (or MAP Growth) assessments each year as part of a comprehensive assessment system. NWEA MAP Growth is a nationally normed, standardized achievement test which measures what learners know and informs what they're ready to learn next by using a computer adaptive test that adjusts to the ability and knowledge of the learner. Your child's educator will use the results of the NWEA MAP Growth assessments to better understand your child's individual needs and to help him/her progress in the assessed areas. Because the assessment is a growth measure, it can track the growth of the learner between testing events and over multiple years of testing.

All learners in grades K-10 will be evaluated using NWEA MAP Growth assessments in math and reading. For kindergarten, first-, and second-grade students, these MAP assessments meet the assessment requirements for statewide accountability determined by the Arkansas Department of Education.  MAP assessments will be given once at the beginning of the school year, once in the middle of the school year, and once at the end of the school year.  To see actual assessment dates, please access the district's testing calendars at this link

Students' MAP scores from the fall 2023 test administration will be distributed at Parent/Teacher conferences in October for students in grades 5-10 (along with this Parent Letter ).  For elementary students (grades K-4), the results will be communicated in combination with other assessment information.     

For additional information about NWEA and the MAP Growth assessments, please visit the following websites:
MAP Growth
Parent's Guide to MAP Growth

For additional information specific to your student, please contact your student's principal.

ACT Aspire

The ACT Aspire™ Assessment System is the assessment system required by the Arkansas Department of Education for nearly all students in Arkansas.  It is designed to measure students’ progress toward college and career readiness.   The ACT Aspire includes a vertically scaled battery of achievement tests (in English, Reading, Writing, Math and Science) which are designed to measure student growth in a longitudinal assessment system for grades 3–10.  An end-of-year summative assessment is required for all Arkansas public school students. 

All Bentonville students who were enrolled as a 3rd through 10th grader this past spring (April 2023) and completed the test were mailed a copy of their individual test scores in early September (2023).   Additional information related to the Aspire test is available at these links:

page updated 8/31/23